
 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.

Proverbs 19:17 (ESV)

If we're generous, we might assume we're losing out. After all, if I buy someone a coffee and a sandwich I'll be a few pounds poorer. One of the wisest men who ever lived advises us that God rewards generosity to the poor.

Even if God doesn't repay us for generosity in this life, He assuredly will in the next. Life's often not fair. In eternity though, God will right all wrongs, and reward all rights.

We should be generous not just to get a reward from God. We should be generous because God is. It's the right thing to do.

If we're recipients of God's generosity, we should be generous. If we have food, clothing, shelter and a little bit to spare, we should spare it for others. We're to store up treasures in heaven, not treasures on earth, where things decay and people steal.

'Generous God, please help us to be godly, and to be rewarded for our obedience to You. In the name of Jesus, amen'.


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