
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7 (NIV)

We might not associate fear with wisdom. We might be tempted to draw parallels with anxiety and worry, which are, quite frankly, pointless emotions. We can't change every potential eventuality, and all but one of them won't come to pass anyway.

The only logical fear is that of God, because He is sovereign. If He wants to condemn us as we deserve, He will. That's a scary thought. 

I'm sure the knowledge Solomon is referring to isn't simply intellectual knowledge, but relational knowledge of the Holy One. Biblically, fools might have a high IQ, but they reject God, which is foolish. We should do the opposite of despising wisdom and instruction.

I know I struggle to take instruction well, especially from certain people! God, grant me the humility and the wisdom to listen to, and to implement godly instruction! In Jesus' name, amen.

'LORD God, we acknowledge that You are fearsome, and we ask that we would be wise to obey You. For Your glory, amen'.


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