
 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Romans 1:16 (NIV)

God forbid that we would be ashamed of the good news of Christ crucified on our behalf. Jesus said that if we're ashamed of Him and His words, He'll be ashamed of us upon His return. Eternity hinges upon what we make of the Lord Jesus.

The good news is the power of God for our salvation. The first to hear were the Jews, eyewitnesses of Christ's Majesty. The Romans crucified Him, yet even the centurion in charge came to admit He is the Son of God.

The Apostle Paul isn't showing favouritism to the Jews. He's simply referring to the fact they were the first to hear the Good News. Thankfully, now, even Gentiles like us can come to faith in the Lord for salvation.

The key to unlock the blessing is belief. We don't need to be young, or intelligent, or even moral. We just need to trust in Christ our Lord.

'Heavenly Father, we praise You for unveiling Your power to save us in the Lord Jesus. May You give us the belief we need in Him, in whose name we pray, amen'.


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