
 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

We have lots of plans. Some are half baked. Some even get executed. Solomon gives us a reality check though.

It's touch and go whether our plans will come to pass. The LORD's purpose on the other hand will assuredly come to pass. We might not see how He's going to bring good out of things like the crucifixion of His sinless Son, but He does.

In the purpose of God, He can bring good out of bad. When we're going through bad circumstances, it's hard to accept that. We would do well in those cases to reflect on Christ crucified for us.

We should always plan with the caveat 'God willing'. To assume that our plans are set in stone is presumptuous and arrogant. We need to humbly entrust our plans to the LORD and His purpose.

'LORD God Almighty, we're grateful that Your purpose prevails. Thank You too that our plans often don't come to fruition, because You know best. May we acknowledge that truth. In Jesus' name, amen'.


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