
You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

Matthew 5:14 (NIV)

This statement almost seems blasphemous: isn't Jesus Himself the Light of the world? Yes, but if He's the Sun, we're the stars. He's exalted on the throne of heaven. The light the world has to go by these days is followers of Jesus. 

We illuminate (or should) what's right and wrong in the world. 'A town built on a hill cannot be hidden'- ultimately, we should reflect Christ and the brightness of His righteousness. He's the Source of all that is 'bright and beautiful', and it's up to us to show something of that to the world.

Imagine a weary pilgrim looking for the eternal city. He's not going to complain about light pollution if he finally sees it in the distance. There'll be a spring in his step as he plods on to glory.

Light isn't necessarily always positive. Some people prefer the darkness of spiritual ignorance. We don't like our dark deeds being exposed. Yet we need to come into the light to find the forgiveness and reconciliation we can enjoy with our Saviour and Lord.

'Glorious God, please help us to reflect Your goodness to the world. May we be good witnesses of Your love and forgiveness to those around us. In Jesus' name, amen'.


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