
Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”

Mark 4:9 (NIV)

Jesus doesn't want us to just hear his words and immediately forget them. He wants us to truly take to heart what He has to say, and to obey. He calls us to follow Him. We are to give up our selfish ways and commit ourselves to serve Him and glorify Him in our lives.

The danger is that we don't truly listen to what God has to say to us. We mustn't let His word go in one ear and out of the other as it were! We need to take His words to heart and to put them into practice.

It's not just those who listen who build their lives on the Rock. It's those who do what the Word has to say who build their lives upon Him. If we fail to implement Christ's words in our lives, we're building our lives on the shifting sands of this world.

We need to make sure we're not rocky, weedy or hardened against God's word. We need to be good soil to bear fruit for Him. If we need to clear obstacles, weed out distractions, or soften our hearts, let us do so.

'Lord our God, may we not just listen to Your word, but also to put it into action in our lives. For the honour of Your name we pray, amen'.


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