even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalms 139:10 (NIV)
There's nowhere in all of existence that God isn't. Off the top of my head hell is even described as a place where people bear God's wrath in the presence of the Lamb. Not even hell is the devil's domain.
We can't escape from God, so there's no point trying. We can't topple Him off the throne of the highest heaven. We can't hide from Him in the deepest pit of hell.
For the psalmist David, and for all who trust in God, the omnipresence (presence everywhere) of God is a great comfort. We could have an audience with King Charles III, and God would be with us. We could be locked up in jail, and He'd still be there.
For the people of God, He guides us. He will guide us wherever life takes us and keep hold of us. He's like a parent crossing a busy road with his young child, tightly holding their hand to keep them safe.
'Omnipresent Lord, we're so grateful that You won't abandon us, wherever we find ourselves. Please help us to follow Your guidance, for Your glory, amen'.
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