
 Like  cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25 ESV  

 Imagine you're a refugee in a far off land. Then imagine  that you hear that your family have managed to escape the war zone you've already fled. Your  heart would rejoice.

 The illustration here is of someone dehydrated, presumably in a sweltering  hot desert. To then find a well of cool refreshing water would be a delight. It would be like getting  good news from far away. 

It's interesting that Solomon describes someone with a thirsty soul. As  Jesus said, "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled". In  Christ and His Spirit, our spiritual thirst is quenched. 

The gospel itself is the ultimate good news  from far away- from the highest heaven- from where God sent His Son to reconcile His people to  Himself. No matter who we are or where we're from, we can receive this good news by faith. And  then a home in the heavenly city is prepared for us, for our eternal rest.

 "Dear God our Father,  thank You for adopting us into Your family and entering us into Your rest. We're glad to have  received Your gospel in joyful faith, to Your praise and glory, amen" 


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