
 But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

Acts 20:24

Of course life is a valuable and precious thing. But if we hold it as valuable and precious to ourselves, we probably won't take risks and be adventurous in our lives. So it was with Paul: he knew that proclaiming the gospel would get him severe persecution but he did it anyway.

Paul was like a marathon runner, what mattered to him was that he finished his course. He wasn't interested in a life of comfort and ease: he wanted to excel and persevere for his Lord. What about us: are we more interested in easy lives than taking risks for our Lord?

When you receive a ministry from the Lord Jesus you are receiving the greatest honour anyone could. His work is not to be carried out carelessly or half heartedly. He gave everything for us: we should be prepared to give everything to him.

Paul's calling in many ways is the same as that of every believer: to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. The fact that God is gracious is good news: he delights to lavish good gifts upon his children. If we've come to know the good news, we are to testify of it to the world.

"Heavenly Father, thank you for the good news of your grace to us in the Lord Jesus. Help me be a faithful witness to its truth in my life in the world. Please forgive me for the times I've chosen comfort over faithfulness to you. In Christ's name, amen"


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