One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet. Proverbs 27:7 ESV
We might assume that being full is a blessing, but it means that we don't appreciate sweetness. On a spiritual level, God's Word is sweeter than honey. But if we're full of self righteous, we're not going to appreciate it.
As Jesus said, "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled". But this proverb seems to suggest that Jesus' blessing is more nuanced than we might assume. After all, to the hungry, even what is bitter tastes sweet.
We need to make sure we're being filled with the right stuff. If we're full of self righteousness, it's going to be bitter for us in the end. If however, we fill up on God's Word, it will be sweeter than honey for us.
At Passover, Jews have lamb garnished with bitter herbs. Jesus is our Passover Lamb who went through the bitterness of the cross so that we might enjoy the sweetness of salvation. Meditate on that truth often- "chew it over", digest it in your mind!
"Our God and Father, thank You for the sweetness of Your Word, and the salvation we find promised in there. Let us avoid the bitter poison of self righteousness. In Christ's name we pray, amen"
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