Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 ESV
I remember over a decade ago as prayer secretary of Aberystwyth University Christian Union leading a series of devotionals on Proverbs. My friend chose this proverb to speak on; he's now a pastor in New Zealand. Solomon's point is about the blessing of relationship.
We weren't designed to be hermits, living in "splendid isolation", aloof and apart from the world. God who is love and relational as Father, Son and Spirit created us in His image and likeness for relationship.
We might sometimes "rub each other up the wrong way", but it's good to positively relate to one another as fellow humans. Solomon uses the image of iron sharpening iron. If iron isn't sharpened by iron, it becomes blunt and useless.
The better quality interaction we have with one another, the more nuanced a blessing we become to one another. Just as the Word of God is sharp and "cuts to the chase"- shining a light on our hearts- so quality conversation can edify and uplift. Even relating to people hostile to God sharpens our ability to defend our faith. But believers especially can help to make one another effective for the furtherance of God's kingdom in the world.
"Dear Yahweh, we thank You for the blessing of the relationships we enjoy. May we sharpen one another as we seek to become increasingly effective for the extension of Your kingdom in the world. For Jesus' sake, amen"
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