
 But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.

Psalm 73:28

Asaph, the writer of this Psalm, had a crisis of faith. He observed the wicked and the easy lives they have. They're proud, violent and oppressive. They pour scorn on the Most High God. It felt like his striving for holiness was in vain, because all he seemed to get was grief.

So Asaph felt, until he joined in the corporate worship of God. He went to the sanctuary of God in Jerusalem, nowadays we go to church. If you've ever felt that life isn't fair or that there's no point trying to live a good life, go to church. There God will give you a heavenly perspective and a clearer understanding of his purposes in our topsy turvy world.

Asaph came to realise that this life is just a breath: what does it matter if the wicked prosper when soon they will perish? What does it matter if the righteous suffer when soon we will be saved to sin no more? He was reminded that God is more than enough for the suffering saint.

For Asaph, as with all God's people, the best place to be is near God. The safest thing for anyone is to make the Lord God their refuge. He will keep us in times of trouble, even through death. For what purpose? That we might tell of all his works. We are to be so grateful and overjoyed at our security in Christ that we can't help but tell others about him.

"Lord God, it is good to be near you. I praise you for being my rock of refuge. Help me to tell others of all your deeds, and forgive me for times I cowardly or selfishly fail to do so, in Christ's name, amen"


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