
 The Lord says to my Lord:

“Sit at my right hand,

until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Psalm 110:1

David was a sovereign king of Israel, not a vassal to a superpower. But he was a worshipper of the Lord God. Here though he mentions another Lord at the right hand of the Lord God. Who was he on about?

Jesus was referred to as the Son of David. David was promised a Son who would have an everlasting kingdom. But as Jesus said, how can David refer to his  son, which suggests they're on a parr; as his Lord, which suggests he is greater?

This is the mystery of the gospel: that God should become a man in order to establish his Kingdom of righteousness. According to the flesh Jesus was the son of Mary, descendant of David. But according to the Spirit Jesus is the eternal Son of God.

Having been crucified and having risen again, Jesus is now sat at the right hand of the Father, until He makes all His enemies a footstool for His feet. Now is the time to abandon enmity with God and be reconciled to him through the Lord Jesus Christ!

"Lord God, I don't want to be at enmity with you. I ask that you would reconcile me to yourself through your Son, my Lord Jesus. In His name I pray, amen"


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