
The sluggard says, "There is a lion in the road! There is a lion in the streets!" As a door turns on its hinges, so does a sluggard on his bed. Proverbs 26:13-14 ESV 

The first of these two related proverbs is very similar to another in the book. The second of these proverbs betrays the reasoning behind the sluggard's reasoning in the first proverb. Whatever the sluggard's excuses in the first proverb, we see where his loyalties lie (literally!) in the second proverb. 

Laziness is inexcusable. But the sluggard will seek to justify himself. He'll make excuses for not getting out and about- like the claim that there's a lion roaming around.

 A lion in the street wasn't inconceivable in ancient Israel, like a mountain lion might wander into a Los Angeles suburb. But life can't be put on hold because of risks that are ever present in life. If it's too dangerous to go out, then at least have a productive day at home rather than lazing around! 

The second proverb reveals the priorities of the sluggard. He might claim it's not safe out and about. But really he's just interested in lazing around in bed. His dream day is a duvet day! 

"Almighty Yahweh, transform us from lazy consumers to diligent producers. May we not be wastes of space, but be useful in Your kingdom. For the sake of Jesus, amen"


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