
 Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me, oh Lord God of hosts; let not those who seek you be brought to dishonour through me, oh God of Israel.

Psalm 69 : 6 

David was in a tough situation. He felt overwhelmed. His enemies were encroaching and he 

As the king, David knew it would be shameful and dishonouring to his loyal, devout subjects to fall into sin. He didn't want that. He wanted those who hoped and sought after God to have no cause for disappointment and disillusionment.

Traditionally, British and Western culture was concerned with what's right and wrong. Now it seems to be what feels good or bad. But in Eastern and Biblical cultures a big concern was about shame and honour; cleanliness and uncleanness.

Culture today seems to call good evil and evil good, and to glory in what is shameful. But as a devout believer in God, David was concerned not to do anything shameful or dishonouring. Are we as serious about the honour of God and his people as he was?

"Lord God of hosts, may I be concerned with what is honouring to you and your people. Forgive me for the shameful things I do, and please change me by your Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name, amen" 


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