
 Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, so honour is not fitting for a fool. Proverbs 26:1 ESV  

 In the summer we want warm sunny days, not snow! At  harvest time, the farmer is looking for dry days so he can harvest his crops. The last thing he wants  is rain!

 Even in the UK, it hardly ever snows in the summer, except perhaps occasionally in the  Highlands of Scotland. Sadly, it does often rain in the autumn, at harvest time though. Apparently  however in Israel it doesn't tend to rain at harvest time.

 The point of the proverb isn't a discussion  of the weather. Talk of unseasonal rain and snow is simply an illustration of the fact that honour is  not fitting for a fool. If someone got an award for something they don't deserve, there would quite  rightly be an outcry. 

We might not deserve to be honoured by God. And we shouldn't delude  ourselves that we do deserve any honour from Him. But in His great mercy, He delivers us from  folly and honours us with the wisdom to believe in Jesus. 

"God Almighty, how thankful we are  that You honour us with the wisdom to trust in Jesus. Please forgive our folly and help us to live  for You. In His name, amen"


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