The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body. Proverbs 26:22 ESV
Just because Solomon describes the words of the gossip as delicious morsels, doesn't mean to say he's justifying being a tell-tale. Just because something tastes good, or feels good, doesn't mean to say that it is good. Take junk food as an example!
We live in a society where one of the cardinal rules is to do what feels good. But whilst gossip might feel good to the gossip and the one they're gossiping to, it can be devastating to the one being gossiped about. Gossip can destroy a reputation.
Secrets are probably best kept that way. If you tell a secret, it's no longer a secret. The truth usually comes out in the end, but we shouldn't go rummaging around people's closets for skeletons.
The danger is for the gossip that one day they get a taste of their own medicine. "Gossip" columns in magazines remain hugely popular, although a lot of gossip has gone online now. Gossip sells magazines and gets clicks on websites. But the ends don't justify the means!
"Heavenly Father, forgive our perverse enjoyment of gossip we pray. May we take to heart that we are to love one another deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. In the name of Jesus, amen"
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