
And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour"

Luke 1:46-47 (NIV)

The angel Gabriel had given Mary some inconvenient news. He told her that despite her being a virgin, she was pregnant with the Son of God. Nowadays, most teenage pregnancies would end in abortion. 

Mary lived in far more moral days than nowadays. People don't think much of teenage pregnancies nowadays, just an inconvenience to be got rid of. Jesus could hardly have been born nowadays, because in all likelihood, He would have been aborted.

Thankfully, Mary was a godly young woman, and she recognised the honour of bearing the Son of God, never mind the shame of a pregnancy outside of marriage in that religious culture. She knew it wouldn't be easy. Nonetheless, she was overjoyed at the glorious responsibility of carrying the Saviour of the world.

Joseph took a bit more time to come around, understandably! He needed a dream to persuade him to go ahead with his marriage to Mary and to help bring up the Saviour of the world. Thankfully, he heeded the call.

'Glorious Lord, we rejoice in You and in the salvation You bring. In the name of Your Son, amen'.


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