
  It is not good to eat  much honey, nor is it glorious to seek one's own glory. Proverbs 25:27 ESV 

 Another proverb elaborates on the impact of over  indulging in sweet stuff: sickness. In this proverb, Solomon uses that as an illustration of  something else: self promotion. It's something I'm sure we're all guilty of. 

It's part of our sinful  nature, that we seek our own glory. If we're to be supernaturally transformed to eternal  significance, we will instead seek God's glory. Ironically, in seeking our own glory, we are  inglorious. 

We tend to be subtle in our self promotion, but when it's exposed for what it is, we see  how ugly it is. Far better to have someone else sing our praises than us ourselves. That's the whole  point of influencers- getting people to promote your company.

 If we want to be glorious, we don't seek glory from others. We seek God to make us glorious by doing the good works that He's  prepared in advance for us to do. So any glory in us is simply a reflection of God's glory. 

 "Glorious God, may anything glorious in us simply be a reflection of Your glorious work in our  lives. And so to You be the glory and the praise, now and evermore, amen" 


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