Like the glaze covering an earthen vessel are fervent lips with an evil heart.
Proverbs 26:23 ESV
Just because someone's a great orator doesn't mean to say they don't have an evil heart. It might be expedient for US presidents to profess faith in Christ, but the ones who actually believe in Him are few and far between. To be honest, even in the largely post-Christianised UK, most if not all Prime Ministers have professed some kind of Christian faith.
An earthen vessel isn't a valuable antique. If it has a gold coloured glaze, it might give a gaudy appearance of value. But that doesn't change the fact it's just a moulded lump of clay.
In a sense, we as humans are moulded lumps of clay by God. "Dust to dust", as we sometimes say at funerals. What gives us value isn't fancy words or impressive oratory, but the Spirit of God who gives us life.
Someone might talk the talk, but if they don't walk the walk, their fine sounding arguments are worthless. Someone might be an impressive preacher, but if they don't practice what they preach, they're a hypocrite and a charlatan. Our hearts may naturally be evil, but God's Spirit can give us a spiritual heart transplant.
"Dear God our Father, forgive us our evil we pray, and transform us by Your Spirit. May our words be good, and our lives also match up with them. For the honour of Your name, amen"
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