
Whoever tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who guards his master will be honoured. Proverbs 27:18 ESV

 I'm not a great authority on fig trees if I'm honest. But I can assume that if you want figs, you're going to have to tend to your fig tree. It will need pruning to make it more fruitful. 

In the UK it would need to be in a greenhouse for it to be warm enough to bear fruit. So if you want figs, you have to look after your fig tree. Similarly, if you want honour, and presumably promotion, you need to look out, not just for your own interests, but also for the interests of your employer. 

After all, they're the one in a position to honour and promote you. We might often think of doing a good job as simply fulfilling the tasks assigned to us. But Solomon encourages us to go above and beyond, and to serve our employers with distinction. 

Unfortunately, Solomon's skilled and promoted employee, Jeroboam, ended up snatching the ten northern tribes of Israel from Solomon's son Reheboam! I've just got a new job myself at the time of writing. A friend prayed that I'd excel my colleagues by ten times! Well part of that would be to look out for my manager's concerns, and not just my own. "

Our Master and God, we pray that You would help us to be diligent employees not just at our immediate tasks, but also going above and beyond the call of duty for our employers. For Your honour and praise, amen"


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