Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, a curse that is causeless does not alight. Proverbs 26:2 ESV
Sadly, a lot of Christians are rather superstitious about curses. They talk about generational curses. But if your dad's rubbish, that doesn't mean to say you're going to be a rubbish dad.
Someone might be really evil and curse you for being a rubbish dad. But there's no need to get paranoid about it if you are in fact a good dad. A bad dad will "curse" his family. But that doesn't mean to say his family are cursed to be bad themselves.
A very common way of cursing is to flippantly swear "go to hell!" But if God's saved you by the blood of Jesus, that undeserved curse isn't going to jeopardise your salvation. If a curse is undeserved, it has no power.
Sadly, we are sinners, and we do deserve to be cursed with death. That is why we eventually die, as God's punishment for our sinful rebellion against Him. But thankfully we can have eternal life through faith in His Son.
"Almighty Lord, we acknowledge that we deserve to be cursed by You for our sinfulness. But we praise You for blessing us with eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord, in His name, amen"
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