
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. Proverbs 27:1 ESV

James elaborates on this proverb in his letter. Don't talk about what you're going to do as if it's a done deal. Tomorrow never arrives, so nothing we have planned is guaranteed. 

As an alternative to this proverb, James encourages us to say "God willing" before we talk about our plans for the future. After all, as Solomon reminds us, we don't know what a day may bring. Ultimately, what we end up doing is up to God. 

If we think about it, confidently pontificating about what we're going to do is very arrogant. After all, it's God's will that prevails. I might want to win the lottery tomorrow, but that's probably not God's will, however much I believe it. 

Some people think you can "name and claim" your future blessings. The Bible would suggest that that is very presumptuous. It's up to God whether He gives or withholds blessings. 

"Almighty Lord, it's up to You whether we succeed in life. Please help us to submit to Your sovereignty and entrust our plans to You. In the name of Jesus, amen"


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