
Like a bird that strays from its nest is a man who strays from his home. Proverbs 27:8 ESV

This is almost the opposite of the English saying, "birds of a feather, flock together" which suggests there's safety in numbers and sticking with your own kind. 

This proverb is saying that there's no place like home for safety. A bird that strays from its nest is risking being snatched by a predator. Similarly, a man who's always out at work is risking losing his family. 

We're not to be absentee from our own families. It's not just workaholics who stray from home. We're to prioritise family over work. Work is only a means to the end of providing for our families. 

Stereotypically, unfaithful husbands stray from home. But to have an affair is to destroy our families and our spiritual lives. It's not worth it! 

"Almighty God, forbid that we should stray from our homes. May we be committed to our families, for Your name's sake, our heavenly Father, amen"


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