
Like an archer who wounds everyone is one who hires a passing fool or drunkard. Proverbs 26:10 ESV

A rather controversial and tragic modern illustration of this verse would be to talk about a mass shooter, who goes into a crowded place and shoots indiscriminately. It could just as easily be a knife attacker or a bomber. 

Maybe they are too strong illustrations, although Solomon isn't afraid of hyperbole. Maybe Solomon is referring more here to what we might call "friendly fire", the accidental shooting of allies. Maybe Solomon's making a point about carelessness more than malice. 

To be honest, I think that's probably the case. No one employs a passing fool or a drunkard without causing damage to themselves and others. Some random idiot employed is going to let his employer, colleagues and customers down. Best not to hire him in the first place! 

Successful employers don't employ stupid people. To be honest, I've never had much joy in finding a successful job. Maybe it's because I don't have much good work experience, stuck in a vicious circle. Or maybe in my applications I come across like any old fool who a successful employer wouldn't want to hire!

 "Our Master and Maker, how amazing that You chose us to serve You and transform us into faithful servants. Don't let us be foolish in our work for You, for Jesus' sake, amen"


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