
 Answer not a fool  according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be  wise in his own eyes. Proverbs 26:4-5 ESV 

 These two  proverbs are unapologetically side by side in Scripture. Yet they seem to flatly contradict each  other. Do we answer a fool according to his folly, or not? 

The answer to the question is evidently  "yes and no". The case for not replying to fools is that you shouldn't stoop to their level. By  seeking to answer their question, you somehow validate their comment. 

The case for replying to  fools is that if you don't, they'll think they've won the argument. So is it a lose lose situation, or  win win? Well, if you don't answer him, you win, by refusing to stoop to his level. If you do  answer, he loses, because you expose him for the fool he is. 

These verses are very helpful in  teaching us how to deal with online trolls. Some people refuse to engage in discussions online at  all- they just use the Internet as a platform for themselves. Others will seek to reply to any and  everyone who interacts with them. The right approach is probably somewhere in the middle, on a  case by case basis. Personally, I like to give fools the benefit of the doubt until they prove  themselves to be foolish! 

"Oh Lord most wise, give us wisdom we pray in our dealings with fools.  Help us know when to respond and when to ignore. For the honour of Your name, amen" 


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