Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors.
Proverbs 8:34
It sounds cheesy, but I've decided what to title my devotionals. It's from this verse "Watching Daily At Wisdom 's Gates"! The image is of a city, and the gates were the way in through the walls, where produce would come in to supply the people. Perhaps the modern equivalent would be the airport.
Every city would have a watchman to keep stock of the comings and goings. Wisdom is supplied by knowledge which can be gained in many different places and spheres. The wise man sees everything as an opportunity to gain wisdom.
Waiting at wisdom's doors gives me the image of a group of people going out for the evening. The last to get ready is Wisdom, but the rest are careful not to leave her behind. Are we as serious about taking Wisdom with us wherever we go?
Why should we watch daily at wisdom's gates? Why should we wait by her doors? Because by stopping to listen to her we are blessed. By failing to live according to wisdom we're going through life blinkered as to the beauty there is to discover.
"God of wisdom, thank you for your heart to deepen our understanding. Help us to seek the knowledge that comes from you, and forgive us when we're too impatient to listen to your wisdom. In Jesus' name, amen"
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