Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.
Isaiah 1:18
In the courtroom of heaven, we are in the dock, and we can only plead guilty. God knows all things, he knows our offenses against him. He knows our disbelief, idolatry, profanity, restlessness. He knows our disrespect, hatred, lust, thefts, lies and covetousness.
We deserve to be sent down to hell for eternity for our cosmic crimes against our creator. But even though we weren't looking for a plea bargain, our judge deliberates with us. We have nothing to say against his judgement, but he declares innocence over us.
The judge knows we're guilty. He sees the red stains of our murderous, drunken, shameful selves. But he says he's going to wash them away, leaving us as white as snow or wool. We are a blot upon the face of the earth, but God is going to wipe the slate clean and we will be acquitted.
How can a holy God justify us? Is this not just wishful thinking that the judge of all the earth would declare us guiltless? Not at all, because the spotless Lamb of God has been slain for us, and his blood washes us clean and restores us to a right relationship with God.
"Lord of the angel armies, I deserve your condemnation for my sins against you. But you sent your Son to give his life for me. Thank you that through faith in him I am washed as white as snow, and reconciled to you in your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name, amen"
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