
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:12

Proverbs are observational comments on daily life. They don't necessarily pass moral judgements, but simply highlight how things are. This Proverb is about our hopes and desires, which we all have, but don't always get fulfilled.

Imagine two children plant acorns. They hope and desire that they will grow into oaks. They weed and water the ground, and patiently wait. A few years later one child has a sapling, the other has nothing.

Over the years the tree grows and is the child's pride and joy. But his friend is devastated that nothing came of their hopes and dreams. If anything, this Proverb is a warning. If you don't get what you want in life, you will pine away. If you do you will have happiness and fulfilment.

It kind of goes without saying really, but we are to submit our hopes and desires to God. If our hope and desire is for his will to be done, we won't become heart - sick,  even if our personal preferences are not met. But if we do become broken-hearted, God can heal us, and restore us to wholehearted devotion to him.

"Lord, may my hopes and desires be for your will to be done, then I will never get frustrated by not getting my own way. Forgive me for when I do desire what isn't best for me, but thank you that you heal the broken-hearted, amen"


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