
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24

Celebrities tend to have many companions, an entourage. They have security and promoters and agents, and some have backing musicians, dancers, stylists. But if the media decides to turn on them, and their career gets ruined for whatever reason, their companions flee like a flock of pigeons when you walk through a city square!

Some people have lots of Facebook friends. But distant acquaintances are no good if you have some personal crisis. A sad face on a sad status is nothing compared to someone visiting you in hospital. A brother or housemate is of much more value in your time of need than that-guy-you-used-to-go-to-the-pub-with-at-uni!

Solomon here is hinting at something deeper still. There was one who came to him at the start of his reign and offered anything he wanted, a blank cheque. Solomon chose wisdom. So whenever Solomon was in need of wisdom, this friend if you like was on hand to give it. That friend is God.

Jesus was known as a "friend of sinners". Maybe you've messed up big time. Maybe your friends have all deserted you. Jesus never will. He will pick you up, and call you to leave your sin and follow him. Other friends will let you down. Siblings will let you down. But Jesus will never let you down.

"Lord, thank you for being a friend of sinners, thank you for being my friend. I praise you for never giving up on me in my time of need. Help me to be a good friend too, but above all may I point people to you. For your glory, amen"


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