Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Proverbs 31:9
It's not enough to know that God speaks up for the poor. It's not enough to acknowledge that God judges righteously. It's not enough to be aware that God defends the rights of the needy. We need to do it ourselves!
There are many who are poor and needy. It could be the unborn child, the girl with Down's syndrome, the dad looking for work, the single mum, the refugee, the homeless man, or the dementia sufferer. They have many and varied needs but they share the same inalienable rights as those made in the image of God.
It's not enough to keep silent if someone is suffering from racism, ageism or sexism. We need to speak up for those who are discriminated against unrightfully. Everyone has a right to life, to shelter, to respect, however disabled or different they may be to us.
Christians aren't to be passive in the face of injustice. We are to speak out against it, and actively work against it. This might involve lobbying government, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or giving a homeless person a coffee and sandwich. We are to be active in the cause of our God of justice.
"God of justice, thank you that you care for the poor and needy. May I share your heart for them, and forgive me for times I ignore their needs. For your glory, amen".
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