
Then your covenant with death will be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand; when the overwhelming scourge passes through, you will be beaten down by it.

Isaiah 28:18 ESV

As in the days of Isaiah, so it is nowadays. Politicians in the UK today are seriously considering legalising assisted suicide. Our society is already killing countless children in the womb, now it is debating whether to kill off people who are declared to be at death's door.

Many people who are declared to be close to death by doctors prove them wrong. It's not up to doctors when we die, that's God's prerogative. The assumption is that life is meaningless and we're just worm food at the end of the day, so it doesn't matter when we die.

People who have a flagrant disregard for life will come in for a rude awakening when their lives come to an end, but it will be too late to repent by then. Life is sacred. It's up to God when we go to meet Him.

Most people assume they'll die and hopefully make it to sit on a cloud strumming a harp for eternity, or whatever they imagine heaven to be. Yet if they have no interest in God in this life, why would they assume they would want to worship Him for eternity? If people don't want to praise the Lord, they belong in hell.

'Lord our God, please forgive us for our apathy and disdain for life. May You transform us by Your Spirit to worship You as You deserve. In the name of Jesus, amen'


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