For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Psalm 84:10
Where is your favourite place in the world? For the sons of Korah it was the temple of God. Would you say your favourite place was church? I love church, but kind of subconsciously to be honest, and I had to think twice before I felt I could concur with the Psalmists.
The most mundane job in the house of God is the doorkeeper. It pretty much involves greeting people with a handshake, or if they are Yorkshire folk, more appropriately a nod of the head and an "alreet?" Perhaps there's more to it than that, in a busy place of worship it involves crowd control. It helps to have a knowledge of health and safety concerns. And in the light of the terrorist attacks at the church in France there probably needs to be a security consideration.
But even the most menial of worship tasks is better than dwelling in the tents of wickedness. The worshipper would much rather be in the house of God at the weekend than nursing a hangover in a stranger's bed. Better to enjoy God for all eternity than to chase after the transient pleasures of sin.
"Oh Lord of the angel armies, my King and my God, thank you for the privilege of coming to worship you. What an honour to serve you in even the simplest of tasks. I would rather praise you than to be living in sin. Forgive me for when my priorities are upside down, in Jesus' name, amen"
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