
 God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.

Matthew 5:8 (NLT)

Our hearts are naturally impure. How then can any of us be blessed, and to see the Holy One, who cannot tolerate impurity? Thankfully, it's through the One who spoke these words.

God wants to bless us. He's not a killjoy. He wants what's best for us, and that's purity.

Because Jesus died in our place, we can be forgiven of all of our impurity. We can have our impurities washed away in the blood of Jesus. We just need to trust in Him.

Somewhere in the Bible it says that no one can see God and live. Yet if God reveals Himself to us, and glorifies us, it can be possible. Nothing is impossible for God.

'Heavenly Father, please purify our hearts through Christ and by Your Spirit. May we see You in glory, in Jesus' gracious name we pray, amen'


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