
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Galatians 5:24 (NIV)

Jesus told even religious leaders that they were of their father the devil. That's who we are by default, belonging to the evil one. Thankfully, we can become Jesus's.

We belong to Jesus when we trust in Him and His crucifixion on our behalf. Without Him as our substitute, we're hopeless. We don't just passively acknowledge the truth of His crucifixion, we claim it for ourselves.

We have wrong passions by nature. We need to overcome wrong passions and desires. There's such a thing as good desires.

If we delight in the Lord, we're promised elsewhere that He'll give us the desires of our hearts. If we delight in the Lord, He Himself is the desire of our heart. He gives us of Himself.

'Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son to give His life for us. May we give our lives for You and Your glory, amen'


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