Anti Vaping Poems

Anti Vaping Poems

Popcorn Lungs

What flavour are your popcorn lungs?

Sweet and salted?


What flavour are my popcorn lungs?

Secondary smoky flavour.

Passive- Aggressive- Smoking

When people around me smoke

I passive aggressive smoke:

Not just for my own health’s sake

But for their’s 

And angry at the system

That hooked them in the first place.

Puff the Magic Dragon

Puff was a magic dragon

His lungs turned into popcorn.

Maybe he wasn’t magic after all

Perhaps it’s just that he smoked.

Vape Battles

I have a battle

With vapers on the bus:

If they antisocially do it,

I open windows,

Even if it’s freezing!

Precursive Smoking

Smoking is a precursor

To burning forever in hell

So repent of self harm

And let your body become

A temple of the Holy Spirit

As you worship the One

Who endured hell for us.

A Confession

I tried smoking in the past.

I must have smoked scores of cigarettes.

Thankfully I repented before I got too addicted

Hopefully my lungs aren’t scarred for life.

I’m not telling you for you to judge me

Or for you to justify you trying smoking

I’m warning you not to bother starting

And encouraging you if you have to stop.

Sugar Coated Poison Pills

Vaping is like eating sugar coated poison pills.

Would you eat a poison pill 

If it was your favourite flavour-

Watermelon or bubblegum perhaps?

Don’t Necessarily Do What Makes You Feel Good

Maybe you think vaping makes you feel good.

Short term gain leads to long term pain.

Short term tastiness leads to lung disease.

The short term pain of cutting the addiction

Leads to the long term gain of better health.

Pier Pressure

I went to uni where there was a nightclub on a pier called

Pier Pressure.

Don’t give in to pier pressure 

To get drunk and jump off a pier!

Nowadays people give in to the peer pressure of vaping

If someone tells you to ruin your health,

Don’t give in to peer pressure.

The Vanity of Vaping

Vanity of vanities: all is vanity!

If life is meaningless,

Who cares if we vape?

If life is a gift of God,

Why should we ruin our health 

By vaping?

Vaping is vain: it’s selfish, antisocial

And damages the health of others 

By secondary smoking.

Don’t be vain, and don’t let your life

Be lived in vain.

Count the Cost

Why would you spend money

To ruin your health?

Why would you vape?

Mind My Own Business?

You might accuse me of being a busybody, 

but I care for you and your health, as well as mine.


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