
The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.

Nahum 1:7 (ESV)

Many people question God's goodness. They point out all the badness in the world as evidence that God isn't good. Yet we are the cause of all the badness in the world, not God.

Our troubles are the fruit of our own rebellion against God. Yet He's so good that He can provide a stronghold for bad people like us from the troubles that we face. Supremely He can save us from the condemnation we deserve.

God knows those who take refuge in Him. He doesn't just know us intellectually. He knows us personally and relationally.

We are to take refuge in the Lord from the condemnation that our sins demand. Thankfully, God delights to justify us. We can be accepted by Him through faith in Christ crucified.

'Lord, we praise You for Your goodness. Please provide us a stronghold for our days of trouble. May we take refuge in You. In the name of Christ we pray, amen'


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