My Story (7): Love at First Sight

 Thankfully, my new antipsychotic medication (that I'm still on!) didn't zombify me, so I was able to hold down jobs.

One of my favourites was in a secondhand book warehouse. I needed a wife though, and I started looking online. One beautiful woman on a Christian dating site let me add her on Facebook, but I didn't chat to her for months for some reason. When we did chat we agreed to meet.

I trekked up to her church in the North East to meet, and it was love at first sight- for me! I was scruffy, in an unironed t shirt; and she was a stereotypically stylish black Italian.

She wasn't really bothered to meet again, but she admired my enthusiastic persistence and has managed to smarten me up a bit.

To cut a long story short, we got engaged, married, and had our first daughter within just over two years (all in the right order!) :)


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