My Story (6): More Madness

 A verse which gave me back my assurance of salvation was 1 John 3:20, which says that when our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things. It helped me realise that my deliverance doesn't depend upon me and my feelings, but upon my faithful God.

Sadly, coming off my medication led to another relapse. At the time I was working in a boring job in a housing association where I didn't know what I was meant to be doing. Not only so, but I was living in (un)social housing with noisy neighbours who kept me awake at night.

Sleeplessness is enough to drive anyone mad, and I was no exception. A manager innocently asked for a meeting at work, no doubt to try and help me, and I literally walked out of the office, and ran away, by train, to Scotland, to friends of friends, who hospitably took me in for the night.

The next day I decided to return home, but got off the train in a village in the snow and increasing dark in the Yorkshire Dales, where I inexplicably threw my coat into a recycling point.

Thankfully, I was responding to dad's texts, and the police picked me up and reunited me with my dad, like the prodigal son. I then spent months in hospital because I was still unhappy about medication.

Once out, a friend gave me a job which helped me back on me feet again, but my recovery is a story for another time.


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