My Story (5): Influencer for Christ

 Even as I tried to recover from mental illness, I recovered my passion for evangelism- sharing the good news of faith in Jesus. I became an open air preacher, which to be honest felt like Ezekiel preaching to dry bones.

There was one time when a friend visited and brought a sound system. It meant I didn't have to raise my voice, and a crowd of 30-40 shoppers lingered at a distance to here me talk about the Lord Jesus Christ: the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb who was slain for us.

What really helped me grow in my faith was a friend getting me a daily reading Bible which after a few years I got into the habit of.

Another friend (who'd never seen my writings) prophetically told me to get writing. I decided to write about the Bible and have done so daily for well over a decade!

Sadly, another bout of mental illness beckoned, and that's the subject of my next instalment...


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