
 ‭2 Timothy 1:7 ESV‬
for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.


When the new UK government wants to ban conversion to Christianity for certain people, God's people might be tempted to be afraid. Timothy was living in a time when persecution of Christians was hotting up. Yet Paul reminded Him that fear is incompatible with our faith.

The fear of the Lord might be the beginning of wisdom. The love of God however is the heart of wisdom. Not only so, but God gives us the power to live for Him.

God has given His people His Holy Spirit. He isn't timid, He's powerful. He doesn't abuse His power, but uses it to transform lives for the better.

If we're filled with the Holy Spirit, we'll bear fruit for Him, including self-control. We'll be disciplined. God will discipline us where we're undisciplined!

'Almighty God, thank You for the power, love and self-control that's found in You. Please fill us with Your Holy Spirit, in Christ's name, amen'


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