My Story (3): The Early Years

 My early years as a believer in Jesus were pretty sheltered to be honest. I was home educated, so I didn't get much peer pressure. I was eventually baptised in water as a public commitment to Christ aged twelve (having come to faith when I was eight).

Things took a downward turn in the days of dial up Internet when I got my first email address and got spammed with some adult stuff that sparked an addiction which has been haunting my life ever since.

On a more positive note, I used to invite friends to church, one of whom came, and even helped to organise evangelistic events to share the good news about salvation through faith in Jesus.

University, when lots of professing Christians go off the rails, was generally good for me spiritually. I attended a church with excellent teaching which I'm sure taught me more than my degree in International Politics. I continued to flex my evangelistic muscles and tell people the gospel of Christ.

To be honest, leaving university and all my good friends at the time felt like a bereavement, and that's when I went off the rails spiritually. That's a story for next time!


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