
 But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge.
Ruth 1:16 ESV

This is a powerful statement by Ruth. In context, it's a statement of faith: she commits to Naomi's God. All this was in spite of circumstances.

Ruth and Naomi were widows in a world with no welfare state as we would understand it. Yet instead of sticking with what she knew and staying with her people, Ruth hitched her wagon to Naomi. Naomi didn't exactly encourage her either!

Ruth clearly knew enough to be happy to commit herself to Naomi's God. Thankfully, there was in God's old testament law provision for widows with kinsman-redeemership. Little did Ruth know that she was going to be provided for above and beyond her expectations.

Not only did Ruth get provided for in the temporal realm, but she had the honour of becoming the great grandmother of great king David, and ancestor of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate Redeemer not just of our lives here, but for eternity. We can take refuge in Him.

'Great Redeemer, please guide us through life, until You call us home. To the praise of Your glorious grace, amen'


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