

Romans 6:5 NLT

Since we have been united with him in his death, we will also be raised to life as he was.


Jesus’s death wasn’t simply an unfortunate miscarriage of justice, although humanly speaking that’s how it seemed. It was God’s means of reconciling us to Himself. Just as Jesus died, so we can die to sin and death and hell.


The death of Jesus was to set sinners like us free. We’re free from slavery to sin. Having been set free, we are also made alive in Him.


Jesus didn’t stay dead but rose again on the third day. Because He lives, we can come alive spiritually. Though we may still die physically, we have an eternity in glory to look forward to.


Unless Christ returns before we die, we will physically expire. That will only be the start of a glorious eternity in the new creation though. We will be made perfect.


‘Father in heaven, we glorify You for uniting us with Christ in His death and resurrection on our behalf. In His name we pray, amen’


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