
 Acts of the Apostles 20:35 NLT

And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

'What's in it for me?' is very commonly thought, if not articulated, in the world today. The Apostle Paul, sent by Jesus to tell His good news of salvation for all who will believe, had a different attitude. 'What's in it for Him?' was Paul's kind of question.

Paul wasn't living for his own glory. He wasn't out to fleece the flock so he could get himself a private jet. He worked hard as a tentmaker so he didn't have to charge people for the privilege of hearing the good news of free salvation for all who believe in Jesus.

We're not just to be selfish, out for ourselves. We're to look out for people in need. 'Charity starts at home', people often say, but it shouldn't end at home, but extend to others too.

Jesus is the ultimate example of the blessedness of generosity. 'He who was rich beyond all splendour, all for love's sake became so poor, so that we, through His poverty, might become (spiritually) rich.' He gave His life for us, for us to give of ourselves to others isn't too much to ask.

'Dear Lord, we praise You for Your generosity towards us, and ask You to help us be generous too. For Your glory, amen'


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