
 ‭Mark‬ ‭4:9‬ ‭ESV‬
And he said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”


In the context, Jesus was telling stories. 'What's the point of that?' We might ask, 'we need statistics, not stories!' We're not robots though, we're people made in the image and likeness of a creative God to enjoy the stories He tells.

Almost everyone has ears to hear. Many of those who don't have eyes to read Jesus's story in Scripture. He's able to open blind eyes and deaf ears, not just literally, but spiritually too.

When Jesus talks about sowing seeds, He's not just making an observation about the agricultural society in which He lived. He's making a spiritual point.

If we have ears, if we can listen, if we're able to communicate; we need to hear what God has to say to us. We need to receive the word of God. It needs to bear spiritual fruit in our lives.

'Lord, may we hear what You're saying to us, and respond appropriately. May we bear much fruit for You and Your glory, in Jesus' name, amen'


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