

Mark 3:25 NIV

If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.


This famous quote is sometimes erroneously attributed to Abraham Lincoln, as a warning to the United States of America around the time of the civil war in that country. America couldn’t tolerate slavery any longer, and it took the civil war to bring it to an end. Lincoln was quoting Jesus, who spoke these words in a different context.


The envious religious leaders accused Jesus of banishing demons by the power of the devil. Of course, that doesn’t make sense. If the devil was fighting his own forces, there’d be civil war amongst the powers of evil, and the end would be nigh for him. Sadly, 2000 years later, he’s still going around like a roaring lion, looking for whom he might devour.


Thankfully, the household of God is not divided. There are plenty of counterfeit Christians, plenty of professing believers who muddy the waters of churches. Yet essentially, God knows those who are His, and we’re united in the worship of Him.


There’s plenty of diversity within churches: rich and poor, young and old, different languages and ethnic groups represented. Essentially however, true followers of Christ are doing just that, united in learning from Him and His leadership. Even if we have some theological differences, if we know Christ as our Saviour, God as our Father, and His Spirit as our Helper, we’re along the right lines.


‘Lord God Almighty, may we be united in worship of You. Thank you that we can enjoy unity even though we are so diverse as Your people. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.’


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