
 ‭Romans 12:10 ESV‬
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honour.

If we belong to Jesus, we're adopted into the family of God. Out of love, God can convert us from His enemies to His children. Our right response is to deeply love one another.

As my mum always says to my siblings and I, 'you can pick and choose your friends, but you're stuck with each other, so you'd better get on!' In general, siblings are often closer than friends, who can easily fall out of friendship. It's harder to disown a relative, especially one bought with the blood of Jesus.

In the world, people often seek to outdo each other in shaming each other, in putting each other down, in making a mockery of one another. 'All in the name of banter', they might claim. God's people are to be the opposite.

Paul almost seems to be calling the Roman Christians to be competitive with one another in seeking to honour each other. In humility, we're to more highly regard others than ourselves. We're to focus on the positives in one another.

'Father in heaven, please help us to love one another with brotherly affection, and to honour one another as best we can. For the honour of Your name, amen'


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