
 Praise be to You, Lord; teach me Your decrees.
Psalm 119:12

The scoffer questions why we should praise the Lord. One reason we should praise the Lord is because of who He is. He's the eternally consistent One.

Another reason we should praise God is because of His decrees. Our gut reaction to rules might be negative. God's law however is for our good.

God's decrees are in summary to love Him and one another. It's not a bad thing He asks of us. The world would be infinitely better if we obeyed the Lord.

Thankfully, God has made a way for law breakers like us to be reconciled to Him. This is the main reason to praise Him. Through faith in Christ crucified, we can have peace with God.

'Lord our God, we praise You for Your faithfulness, Your decrees, and Your salvation of us in Christ, in whose name we pray, amen'


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