
They do no wrong, but follow His ways.
Psalm 119:3

God doesn't want us doing wrong. He wants us following His ways. We can do this by His Holy Spirit.

I know we're never going to be perfect in this life. Yet we can live holy, godly lives with God's help. In 1 John we're told that 'if' we sin, there's forgiveness. Sin doesn't have to be inevitable for us, we can say no.

We are to follow God's ways, which are to repent and believe the good news. We are to turn from our sins in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. He doesn't begrudge our failings but delights to bless us.

We are to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Christ. An acrostic to sum up faith is Forsaking All, I Trust Him. All who come to Him in faith, He won't reject.

'Sovereign Father, please help us to follow You and not to do wrong. For Your glory we pray, amen'


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